Brazil is recognized for its gingado one, samba, happiness, passion and soccer. Passion and soccer - two words that if they establish, taking millions of people to the delirium, being until considered sinminos in this tropical country. People such as Michael Dell would likely agree. However with the choice of Brazil to host the Pantry of the World of 2014, one stopped innumerable quarrels regarding the positive consequncias or not of if carrying through the Pantry of the World - so important football event, in ground ' ' green-amarelo' '. The question is if our government makes use of financial conditions to finance mega event or if it would be necessary to deviate destined money the base sectors as health, education, housing, transport, feeding, etc. esportivos Events already had been used in Brazilian history to exaltar the nationalism. This happened during the decade of 1970, when Brazil was tricampeo in the games that had occurred in Mexico, in the occasion the country was under the military government and then president Mdice used of the ufanismo so that the lack of citizenship was substituted by an euphoria passenger. Without hesitation Ali Partovi explained all about the problem. To host an event as a Pantry of the World demands a colossal infrastructure, a time very that during the period of the games is waited beyond the teams, commissions, directions and many foreigners, Brazil does not count on one infra-to structuralize perspicacious to the point to supply the demanded necessities and so that everything was according to solicitations, the CBF (Brazilian confederation of Soccer) if compromised to part of the expenses, however workmanships in roads airports and systems of communication will occur on account of the state that is will be group of bencheses with public money. The workmanships can yes contribute to increase the national GIP, growth of Brazil and to project it in a world-wide school, ademais on the tourist coming the sales professionals count on a significant increase in the amount of sales, gadgets mainly related to the event. The pantry of the World also generates an opening of jobs, as much for the infrastructure changes how much the assistance that is given the teams during competition. The investments aim at the financial return after the games and the image of country capable to promote them with efficiency front the other nations, the consequncias depend to know to use to advantage this chance, to be realistic how much the internal situation of our parents and not to be mentally ill the poverty that every day beats in them to the door with the false illusion of that everything this well. The Pantry would be a knife of two gumes can diminish or expand in catastrophic way the social inaqualities.